A note from Bro. David Daugherty:
We invite you to visit and see for yourself a church in which you feel welcome and one you can call home.
We believe the word of God is profitable and powerful: it will be read, studied, and preached.
I believe God loves us and sent his only son into this world to die for us. He came to bridge the gap between a Holy God and sinful humans.
His invitation is: “Whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved.”
Bro. Daugherty was...
Clear Fork Baptist
Rockfield, KY
Huntsville Baptist
Huntsville, KY
Warren Association of Baptists:
Assistant Moderator
Administrative Stewardship Committee
Credentials Committee
Overseer of softball program
Kentucky Baptist Convention:
Executive Board
Committee on Committees
Southern Baptist Convention:
Tellers Committee
Service to Country:
USMC / Vietnam Veteran
Community Service:
Browning Fire Department Chaplain